Generative Chaos

"Abolition requires that we change one thing, everything." – Ruth Wilson Gilmore

"Abolition requires that we change one thing, everything." – Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Generative Chaos is a Healing Justice practice: a cosmos of care offerings for the abolitionist movement. We activate community toward healing, creating, conspiring, and practicing a world that is liveable for all.

  • We believe healing includes acknowledging the chaos that exists in this world. It persists outside of our direct control, and it traumatizes on every level.

  • Our approach to healing is rooted in the tradition of Healing Justice. We recognize that trauma both affects us individually and is shared across generations.

  • Trauma is created and sustained by acts of punishment, shame, and violence. We recognize that systems of oppression use these tools to traumatize us on a large scale.

  • Trauma shows up in relationships, can stem from upbringing experiences, and impacts how we show up in community.

  • Here at GC, we humbly position our work in a long lineage of healers, artists, aunties, and freedom fighters who knew that healing is not just personally transformative...

…it is sharp, smart, and strong political strategy.

Because when BIPOC individuals heal, communities are strengthened, and systems of white supremacy are weakened. When queer and trans people heal, society is transformed and systems of gender/sexuality-based violence lose power. When disabled people heal, we can collectively take a deeper breath.

At Generative Chaos we believe that good mental and emotional healthcare not only helps life be more liveable; it also helps us become the people we’ve been waiting for. With care, we can become co-creators of the world that we deserve. We envision a world where all have true and equal access to sustenance, well-being, and freedom.

In the midst of all the chaos, we are a commitment to the discipline of hope and generativity.

we move in murmuration

At GC, we are continually asking ourselves what those clever fish know. What moves the fish from swimming alone to swimming in murmuration? We theorize that when forces are too big and strong to fight alone, fish have a moment of clarity: I cannot do this alone. Generative Chaos see ourselves as one of many fish moving towards collective action against trauma’s terror. We are a space for all similarly curious people, to join in the asking. We swim towards a safer, more liveable, and dignified life for all with love and care as our driving force.

Love is contraband in Hell, cause love is an acid that eats away bars. But you, me, and tomorrow hold hands and make vows that struggle will multiply. The hacksaw has two blades. The shotgun has two barrels. We are pregnant with freedom. We are a conspiracy.
— Assata Shakur

we are a conspiracy

The Generative Chaos team is very friendly, but also very interested in protecting our privacy. For that reason, we have tarot cards instead of headshots to encapsulate our personalities. If you’d like to know more about us, feel free to reach out.

  • Theo, LCPC, NCC (she/they) received their BA in African American Studies and Psychology and MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Northwestern University. She holds a specialization in Child and Adolescent Counseling, and has seven years of experience supporting clients’ mental health from a Black feminist, anti-oppressive lens. They have counseled individuals and groups navigating chronic depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress, grief, community and self accountability, and spiritual growth and exploration.

    Theo’s approach to healing is primarily person-centered, providing space for clients to step into greater agency over their lives. Theo has abolitionist organizing experience in youth political education, mutual aid coordination, and practice of transformative justice in community. Her work is grounded in the lineage of healing justice, and is a commitment to interrupting criminalization and creating greater liveability for people worldwide.

    Theo is a descendent of a Black West Virginian and a Greek immigrant, and was born, raised, and lives on Kiikaapoi/Peoria/Potawatomi land, also known as Chicago. She is queer, an abolitionist, and a student of astrology as a freedom-making tool. As an Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, and Virgo Rising, Theo uses her deeply intuitive healing instincts to support people into better alignment with a more just world. Outside of work, Theo can be found watering her plants, dance partying in the mirror, and kickin’ it with their cat. Their core values are humility, grace, and dedicated practice.

  • Musu (any pronouns) received their Masters from Northwestern University in English Literature in 2016. They have eight years of education experience in Kiikaapoi/Peoria/Potawatomi land, (also known as Chicago), taking on various roles including classroom support and teaching artist work. Musu also has four years of experience in popular political education, collaborating with local organizers and educators to create curriculum around radical Black freedom movements for elementary-aged students.

    Musu is a writer and visual artist who believes art creation can be a pathway to individual and community healing. They recognize that capitalism thrives on creation for consumption, and challenge this belief through their personal artistic practice and teaching pedagogy. Through their role as a teaching artist primarily in Chicago Public Schools and through donation-based community zine-making workshops, they hope to continue June Jordan’s legacy of “poetry for the people.”

    As the creative director at Generative Chaos, Musu uses their artistic skill to increase access to low-cost therapy and healing-based community practices. They view this as their contribution to the healing justice movement and are inspired by the healers and organizers in their family who strive towards a better world.

    Musu is a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, and Libra rising who appreciates the wisdom each sign and planet gifts us. They can be usually found crafting, making playlists, or pointing at the sky exclaiming “Look at the moon!” Musu’s core values are compassion, authenticity, and gratitude.